President FHB

President Félix Houphouët-Boigny
The President Félix HOUPHOUET BOIGNY was born on October 18, 1905 in the village of Yamoussoukro in the center of the country Baoulé. He is the son of a princess of a chieftaincy of the tribe Akoués, one of the branches of the Baoulé ethnic group. He is named after his father named "Houphouet". Although already responsible, according to custom, property and family conduct, he was sent at the age of five, to the French school established in the village of Bonzi, then residence of the military commander of the Akoué region of Yamoussoukro. In this school where he had been inscribed on the orders of Commander Marc Simon, the young Dia proved intelligent, quick to understand.
The scholastic progress of the young student led to his Admission to the internship of the Central School Group of Bingerville (later became Ecole Primaire Supérieure, then College and now Bingerville High School) .This was in 1915, and the student was then 10 years old.
Summary of the action of Félix Houphouët-Boigny
Felix Houphouet-Boigny took the lead of the African political revolution from Bamako. He was the undisputed leader of the intellectuals and cadres as well as the numerous and ardent masses of grassroots activists. He led the great election battles of 1946, which everywhere declared victory, a landslide victory for the GDR. The hundreds of thousands of members of the GDR threw themselves into the battle with a fervor that is still marveled today. He paid for himself. On the roads, in the villages, in the countryside, in the cities. In the direct and often brutal action, in the company of peasants, rural people, women, intellectuals. He took everywhere the measure of men, of their resistance, of the profound reflexes which animated them. Towards him, from all over Africa, came the ardor of the masses in struggle against the repression organized by the colonial apparatus. Afflicted also, towards him, the immense complaint of the whole black Africa, wounded in his soul, but also in his body, in his flesh. He organized the resistance of everyone surprised by the cruelty of the colonial agents. He hired his own person, his family, his community, his country. These years were crucial in his life. Around him, his main friends and companions of struggle mounted a guard of honor and the fraternity of these moments inspired the most disinterested devotion.
Information note on the feast of the Ascension of May 07, 2018