
Publié le 25-08-2024

Doctor Augustin THIAM alongside Mgr Joseph Kacou Aka

Doctor Augustin THIAM alongside Mgr Joseph Kacou Aka for his 30 years of priestly life at the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Yamoussoukro 

This Sunday, August 25, 2024 has just been held at the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Yamoussoukro, as announced, the thanksgiving mass for the 30 years of priesthood of Mgr. Joseph Kacou Aka, Bishop of the Diocese of Yamoussoukro. He was accompanied by his colleagues from the United States, Nigeria and Ghana, not forgetting the delegations of Catholic women from Ghana and Senegal who traveled from their country of origin. 

Doctor Augustin THIAM Minister, Governor of the Autonomous District of Yamoussoukro and Mr. Anon Léopold, Acting Chief of Staff, participated in the said mass. 

The mass was celebrated by the local ordinary Mgr. Joseph Kacou Aka. In his homily, drawing inspiration from the texts of the day, he gave a strong message to the Christian faithful, asking them to remain in peace and to remain faithful to the Lord, while remaining attentive to the Word of God. To whom would we go, Lord, if not you, he expressed himself. 

Father Zeno, Pallotine priest of the Basilica, spoke, before the end of the mass, to make a complaint against Christians. He asked the Sunday assembly to participate in the blood donation which is done regularly at the St Joseph Moscati hospital.

To this end, Doctor Augustin THIAM urged the public to donate blood. He himself, being a Doctor, reassured the audience by telling them that blood is renewed, in the body, each time it is given to save lives. He himself promises to donate blood at one of the blood donation sessions at St Joseph Moscati hospital and to encourage women's and youth associations to do the same.

Beginning at 10:30 a.m., the mass ended around 1:00 p.m. followed by a lunch at the papal house and a guided tour of the Basilica by the guests of Mgr. Joseph Aka.